Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hey there

Today felt like the first official day of Fall. I love it! Z. and I are gearing up for our art show at Max Fish in New York next week. October 16th is the opening and we lucky two will be in NY for a full week. I can't wait. Hold on, let me say that again, I CAN'T WAIT!!

Let me tell you about this magic box. There is an old guy who stands on the corner who I saw pretty regularly on my way to and from work. He's like  one of the last original hobos of the US.

He carves these  fantastic things and usually he sells the cut out pieces, or glues them onto another piece of cardboard and sells that. I love the symbols and the way he carves his letters. I  haven't seen him for awhile now and the other day I came across this box. It was a sign, a sign that he was still in the neighborhood and still making things. I scooped it up and brought it home. Scout absolutely loves to play inside it and spy out the letter windows, or paw at our legs as we walk by. If I see that guy again he's getting all the money on my person.

So, I made these three new pieces for the Max Fish show, well not necessarily for Max Fish, but they just arrived in time for NY. Each one has a skeleton within an environment, and I liked the idea of creating scenes that evoke narratives about death. (click for a larger view) After the first one was finished I found myself constantly looking at the details and creating a story about the place and the person.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Love the box and the story behind it!