Friday, July 29, 2011

Chain letter show!

I've spent the last month making a mini installation piece for the Shoshana Wayne Gallery's Chain Letter show. (Check out this great review in LA weekly, Z. is in the 8th photo).

 Z. and I drove down to LA early Friday morning last week to deliver the work and arrived to find a mad chaos of cars that had traffic backed up onto the 405 and a line 350 people deep of artists waiting to check in their work.

Our dear Auroralady had already checked her work and she was number 315. After about an hour and a half of waiting in line I checked in at number 768. If you plan on being in LA soon please stop in, this show is out of control fun and crammed to the rafters with amazing work of every variety. My work can be found in building F1.
Read more reviews of the show here

So what did I make for the show? See for yourself. Z. and I worked together to make this little video to document the process. So much goes into making an installation and I wanted to document it in a time lapse kind of way. It's a little grainy, but you get the idea.

Of course we had to hit the Art in the Streets exhibit at the MOCA, which was totally inspiring,
the Margaret Kilgallen section had me in tears. Street art, like most art forms, is kind of strictly a Boys club thing and it was great to see Swoon and M. Kilgallen get some large spaces.

Os Gemeos!


Some other stuff happened too. Tim Burtons restrospective at the LACMA was seen, LACMA's 24 hour movie blew our minds while the contemporary gallery left me craving cereal, tons of vegan food was eaten, Karaoke, dogs, storming galleries and we got to catch up with more dear friends than we ever expected.

1 comment:

CrampyCupcakes said...

Laura! That video you and Z made is amazing!