Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New pieces: paper drums

Wounded animals need assistance sometimes. This one stayed calm as I bandaged up his missing hoof.
metal sewing hoop, found paper, purple thread and golden sequins

wooden 12" sewing hoop, acrylic paint, pencil, watercolor
 I've been collecting sewing hoops with the intent of sewing small pieces, but after the tedious tasks of sewing birds one feather at a time I figured something else needed to happen. So I wet some printmaking paper and pressed it into the frame. When it dries it becomes an incredible little drum and fantastic surface. I've been playing around with them and am enjoying the challenge of composing within a circle.

1 comment:

CrampyCupcakes said...

Laura Laura Laura!
I LOVE the sewing hoop with the sequins! How did your project for anthro go?