Thursday, August 19, 2010

boat details

           The sad thing about being an artist is sometimes you never have shows, and yet, you continuously make things that every once in awhile surprise even yourself. Once they are done you hang them up and admire their glow for awhile. Then after a few months,  maybe years, you end up tired of looking at them. Tired of seeing them stacked behind doors and in closets or hauling them around each time you move. And since you're probably making completely new interesting things, these older pieces no longer interest you and sometimes that amazing work ends up being dismantled, given away, or worse, sold at yard sales, donated, tossed or just abandoned in alleyways.
I admit I have done all of the above in the last 10 years.  And sometimes, very rarely, I stumble across an old piece. Hung in the corner of someone's studio, behind the door in someone's bathroom, stuck to the fridge or taped over a desk. My initial reaction is always a little gasp, a double take, a 'oh, hey I know you.  I worked so hard on you, and why did I get rid of you again?'

I've been wrestling with sentimentality for awhile now.

1 comment:

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Bella Smith