Tuesday, June 1, 2010

birthday trip

We went down to San Diego as a belated birthday trip.
We bought some new artwork from Spencer Little and his amazing girlfriend, she does the embroidery with a sewing machine, free hand, and he does the wire. His pieces have been on my wish list for a very long time. We caught them at the Farmers Market in Hillcrest.

This hamburger is one of many pieces at M+M's place, we were lucky they let us crash on the hide-a-bed sofa. M made us breakfast, drove us to the thrift stores (where we met up with E+E) and made the amazing cake down below. I'm very thankful to know these ladies.
This is my new bike, or remade bike, a bad picture, but it's too lovely for words. Unfortunately, while we were dining on some amazing Indian food with A+B in LA someone jacked our front wheels. Heartbreaking.
Can't you tell I love Blue? I am definitely terrible at taking pictures of events as they happen.


CrampyCupcakes said...

Oh no! I hope the wheel thief gets some karmic payback!

Laura said...

thats what we said, and then we realized maybe this was karmic payback to us. And then after two hours of driving I figured it was charity, someone needed them bad enough to gank em in daylight hours. and thankfully we are in a situation where can afford to replace them.