Sunday, April 4, 2010

Holiday Schmoliday

Z. and I took a little holiday. I took off 2 days of work for a much needed breather. We've been ecstatic about this getaway for weeks now, we actually having camping gear!

Headed up 101, just above Bodega Bay.

I tend to forget until it's too late that I get carsick, I tend to sleep just to escape the queasy
Destination Anchor Bay
We usually have the best luck with campsites, we had our pick and #24 was the winner, private and shady. At check in the guy at the desk warned us about the rain on fridays forecast and how muddy our little site might get, but the day was so gorgeous we booked one night anyway and figured we'd sort it out when we got there.
It was too pretty out to be worried about the next days weather. The tide was higher than anticipated , but we climbed out on the rocks as far as we could. Hiked up the hills and walked all around exploring the area, mostly looking for an ideal place to fish from the rest of the weekend.
I love leaf bones, this was on our picnic table.
We drove up north to the nearest town and spotted this crazy house.

Abalone is big around here.
We absolutely love campfire cooking. This is probably reason #1 why we love to camp.

On the menu is various chopped veggies with olive oil and spices, and some of Z's amazing chili with jalapeno cheese with corn tortillas. We found this awesome cast iron pot at the thrift store $5! This is the other reason we love camping, it gives us the excuse to thrift for supplies.
Delicious craziness.

After we washed the dishes and cleaned up a bit we headed out to the shore, tide was lower than before so I collected driftwood for some upcoming projects and Z. scuttled about on the rocks until it was almost too dark to see.
Lord of the Flies
We played with the fire for awhile before crashing early, if the weather was cool we were planning on fishing , wandering around more, and just enjoying the time.
Note the shoes drying by the fire, those are mine.

The next morning we woke up to find our tent had begun to leak onto my sleeping bag and water had completely filled my back up pair of shoes. Z. took a shower while I read a magazine and monitored the level of water dripping into the tent, thankfully we had an air mattress to sleep on that we didn't get as wet as we could have. We were supposed to be figuring out a plan. Do we stay in this wet wet weather or pack up and jam out?
After a quick dry getaway to the town bakery up the road for donuts, coffee and hot chocolate we decided we should probably pack up. It was supposed to rain all day, any possible fishing would have been miserable and our tent probably would have floated away before the day was up. Should we go home already?
Z. packed up the tent while I organized the trunk to make room for the wet muddy mess of gear going into the car, it took us about 15 minutes to pack up.
Peace out Anchor Bay.

These are the crazy ocean fish we could have caught and eaten. I think we were both majorly bummed about missing out on the fishing.
We made an extra slow down to take a closer look at the church in Bodega Bay, featured in Hitchcock's The Birds. It sits pretty stoic on the top of a hill.More time in the car. ugh. I think I'm gonna hurl, despite the expression Z. was so patient with me.
We decided to kick it in Santa Rosa for awhile. Checked in at the travel lodge, made a list of all the thrift stores and hit the town. Had a nice Sushi Dinner at JoJo's Sushi, and hit the sack for some shameless TV time.

Good thing It wasn't raining on Saturday.


Aurora said...

So many things I love about this post!

*camping food!

*You FINALLY got a lil vacay!

*Z's food flying in the air

*sushi and thrifting. Could be the most classy gay ever.

I love you!

Laura said...

It was short and a little more stressing than I expected, but it was definitely an adventure.